Wombat Pool and onwards …

(Cradle Mountain Part 5 – 14 Photos) –
A marathon, I realised I’ve now spent more time selecting and editing photos than I did walking the track! So here’s more photos … hope you enjoy as much as I did the walk!

Wombat Pool in the mist.
The track to the left of the Wombat Pool.
Bored yet? Another shot of the Wombat Pool.
And another …
Yawn … bored yet?
The drips from the tree on left caught my eye .. and the view …
As the Wombat Pool Track winds down, Lake Lilla and Dove Lake beyond, revealed themselves through the mist.
More Pandani’s in the forest.
Twisted trees of colour
And the lake flowed over
Lake Lilla
Lake Lilla
Mist on the lens, looking over Lake Lilla
Almost back, Dove Lake and the infamous boat shed!

We didn’t continue onto the boat shed, such after a lengthy walk there was more urgent business to attend to 😉 I hope your enjoying the trail so far.

In the next post, we walk out to Glacier Rock, lose a walking pole and then … prepare to meet some Tasmanian Devils, Spotted Quolls and wombats UP REAL CLOSE!! – Y’all come back now 🙂

14 thoughts on “Wombat Pool and onwards …

  1. The photo just before the lake overflowing looks like a painting – that’s the one with the tree trunks. What a misty place. That dampness and the moss make it look like something out of a fairy tale.


    1. Thanks, I think because everything else was relatively dull (not boring but lacking colour) due to the mist, the vibrant colours of the wet trunks really stood out in a very small grove of forest. That shot was edited from jpeg, I adjusted the levels to increase contrast, upped the vibrance only slightly, sharpened and cropped, so’s not edited much and is close to how it looked. I think it would look great and kind of a natural abstract printed on large canvas.
      If you see a Tasmanian Tiger lurking in one of my shots, let me know 😉

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      1. Generally yes, it depends on the subject and image. Not sure if it works but I often try to convey an emotion or feeling in my photos, not necessarily exactly as it physically was, but how I saw or imagined it in my mind. Occasionally I will push editing to obvious extremes, usually but not always man made objects, to bring out or highlight hidden features that the eye doesn’t normally see, but the camera sensor can. I generally don’t like oversaturated photos as it loses detail.

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