Blue reveal

This second day which continues on from the previous post (Ev was with my on the third day), I only had a 30 minute window to shoot the fungi – you know, life and all.

I timed my walk from home to them, 10 minutes, so 10 minutes to shoot. I stayed for 15 and ran home! Got to work with two minutes to spare. I call it time management, but so worth it 😉

These are close ups of the two very close groups. I love the image above, my favorite ever Mycena Interupta photos I’ve taken. Mainly because it shows the different stages of it’s growth in one shot – with the tiny bud just forming on the right, and the moisture was perfect, the forest canopy reflected in the largest cap!

The fully opened fresh caps for me, are when they are at their peak and look their best. Like big blue eyes looking back at you, absolutely gorgeous! Needless to say, I immediately planned on another trip the next day to see how the first little group opened up, fingers crossed!

I took a very quick snap of this other fungi nearby that caught my eye complete with dew covered web and the spider on the rim of the cap! For a rushed shot, I was pleasantly surprised with the results when I opened it on the 32″monitor and zoomed in. Only basic editing applied.

Thanks for visiting, look after yourself.
Don’t rush through life, savor every moment.
Squeeze every ounce of happiness out of it.
You’ll never get to live this day over.

9 thoughts on “Blue reveal

  1. Fantastic photos! The glittery sheen on the blue cap is beautiful on the computer screen so it must be even more amazing in person. The yellow fungi is saying “Hey, look at me! I’m cool, too!” 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Morgaine, it’s enchanting being able to move around and fully observe them. It can often be difficult or – virtually impossible to position the camera exactly where you want it due to the environment around you. I mostly use a tripod bent in all sorts of contortions to position the camera, sometimes I sit the camera directly on the ground or log and use sticks to position it, then millimeter fine tuning to get the right composition and distance.

      It was actually the tiny green leaf stuck to the fairly common yellow fungi that caught my eye, I thought it was a green bug. Then I saw the spider 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  2. These are stunning captures! Isn’t it wonderful how sometimes those “rushed shots” end up to be beautiful surprises? Thank you for your prompt at the end and I intend to follow your advice for this day.

    Liked by 1 person

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