Killer Kookaburra

Firstly three landscapes as a buffer … what follows are some perhaps disturbing shots for some, of a Kookaburra dispatching a Green Rosella which came as a surprise to me. Be warned, they are not overly graphic, but if you are sensitive, continue on if you dare.

kunanyi, Mt Wellington, Hobart.

About 4 weeks ago, like a switch was triggered, it instantly became winter in Hobart. After a mild dry summer, it is suddenly cold and damp, with a few sprinkles of snow on the mountain backdrop.

Foggy morning across the River Derwent.
Sun rays struggling to pierce the low cloud.

Now for the Killer Kookaburra…

Kookaburras are native to mainland Australia but were introduced to the southern island state of Tasmania. They will pretty much eat anything that fits in their mouth and are a real pest here. Other birds eggs, lizards, frogs, worms, and, apparently, other birds!

I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw this occur walking through the bush looking for Orchids back in late December last year. I didn’t see if the Kookaburra caught the Green Rosella and killed it, but it was busy bashing it against a tree branch!

I took these with the PEN-F and Olympus 14-150mm F4.0-5.6 II as that is what I was carrying. They came out surprisingly well and have been cropped heavily.

15 thoughts on “Killer Kookaburra

    1. Hi John,
      I always admired them and thought they belonged here, but the more I watch them and learn about them, they are very disruptive to many endemic bird and animal species. Unfortunately they are well distributed and adapted on the island so eradication now would be next to impossible.

      Liked by 2 people

      1. Really, I see videos and photos of them on the mainland frequently via other blogs. They are never eating anything then. If they kill other birds, it’s not good at all! 😡😭


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