Moonrise over the ridge – I was lucky to catch this shot with the subtle tree shilouette through a big window. By the time I then ran outside (seconds) it was too high! The window was slightly foggy and actually added to the image compared to the shots I took outside.

Three mornings in a row, we have had spectacular sunrises, but today’s topped the cake! If you look closely in this first shot below – 6.59am, you can see the last star (or planet) just visible mid left!

I’m currently house sitting for two months, not far from my home which is sadly for sale. Oddly, despite previously rising around 8am, I keep waking up around 6.30-7am. This morning I woke at 5.20am and that was it. Awake. As soon as I saw light on the edge of the curtains, I got up, peeked out, and grabbed my camera!

I checked my watch to see when “sunrise” was, and hurried to the kitchen to make a cup of green tea and honey, arriving back with a hot cuppa in time to catch the first golden rays.

It was the early morning gift that just kept on giving! Mist swirled around in the valley below, hiding Hobart and the River Derwent below the fog (locally referred to as the Bridgewater Jerry), but up on the foothills below kunanyi, Mt Wellington, I was bathed by the golden orb of heat, light, and life!

I watched the mist dance below me, the Orb rising, light changing, beginning the slow burn off of moisture laden air as I enjoyed my hot cup of tea and the air around me began to warm. It would be bitterly cold below the cloud!

I’ve been living on my own for around 5 weeks now. Lives change, people grow apart, and life is way too short to not be happy. Tough decisions were made around seven months ago, no plan, just me and what ever the universe throws my way. It took a lot of courage, no cheating ever, one of the hardest things I’ve ever gone through.

One thing you can’t escape, is your own head. It’s been a journey and I’m still probably not fully there yet. I’ve been saying yes to a lot of things I normally wouldn’t have considered, because I can. Films, concerts, dinners, late nights, parties … no new ladies, I’m not yet interested, it’s been way too long since I chased girls … but too much fun catches up eventually!

I caught a cold last week which forced me to slow down. No drinking or smoking! Early nights, looking after myself, alone time, time to contemplate and sort my head out – hence the green tea and honey instead of the usual coffee. The universe doing me a favour. A great time to check myself and reset. I feel much better now. My head is clearer.

The last three mornings have been sunny after weeks of greyness, cold and rain. To help myself heal, I’ve been out early with my top off, soaking up some natural vitamin D which Tasmania lacks in winter, stretching, yoga, tai chi whatever my body felt like doing. Relaxing. Undwinding. Letting go.

I felt good again this morning. After around 20 minutes of movement, I headed back inside, made a bowl of Oats with Pepita and Chia seeds, muesli, nuts and yogurt for breakfast, then headed back out for a 5km walk/jog through the bush to help clear the chest before work.

Life is good. I’m happy. Still not really sure what the long term plan is. As long as I’m smiling … and healthy. And hopefully my wife is happy too. We still get along well, hopefully that will continue. Just not together. We have two lovely adult girls. They seem to understand.

Now you know why I haven’t been blogging much for the last seven months. Kind of a bit going on in the real world. And now it’s time for bed. Probably another early morning to look forward to tomorrow!

Look after yourself, stay safe, enjoy life.
We’re all made from star dust, and you’ll never exist again!

27 thoughts on “Into the light …

  1. Life sometimes takes long detours with you to get back to happiness … may it also cross your path again (at least no one can accuse you of not trying). You’ve proven it once again – it’s definitely worth getting up early in the morning – your photos are stunning!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Corna, I am enjoying the early mornings but I’m usually a night owl and stay up well into the next morning! Life is changing in more ways than I expected, early nights. Good night 😀 🌙

      Liked by 1 person

  2. i’ve been married 5 times, but the last was for 43 years, until death. now i’m 83. sounds to me like you are doing well with this whole huge event. with your constructive attitude, you will do well with whatever you choose, i’m sure of that! you are definitely one of the good guys!👍🏼🙏🏼👍🏼i appreciate that you shared what is going on for you. i have found that it helps a lot when i do, & your appreciators will be glad too! good luck🙏🏼❤️🙏🏼

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you so much for taking the time to write that reply! We were married nearly 30 years, and I don’t view it as a fail. We raised two wonderful happy girls, who are throwing themselves at life with devotion. I won’t go into details, but we all seem to be happy, at least on the surface, I hope my wife finds herself and enjoys her new freedom also. We don’t have many friends, but the ones we do have are beautiful people that are supporting us both with love and understanding, not taking sides, and that is what is important. We will remain friends 😀
      Have an awesome day!

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Beautiful photos! Thank you. It’s easy to catch a sunset, but not so much a sunrise. Those require extra effort. 🙂 Very apropos subject matter, considering your new beginning. Good for you for choosing happiness! Life is way to short and precious not to.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, we seem to have much nicer sunrises here than sunsets, I’m throwing the curtains open with excitement and not grumbling when I wake up. I’m lucky to have woken up and have another day on this wonderful planet to enjoy 😀

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  4. Gorgeous photos! The colours are amazing!
    I had a feeling there were major changes going on in your life. I’m glad to hear you are healthy and happy! Change can be difficult and it is excellent that you are being true to yourself. Sending lots of positive energy to you! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Morgaine, you have been following me for a long time! I’ve wanted to drop a post for so long about my situation to explain my hiatus, but the time wasn’t right. I feel some things need to stay private and I have still left much unwritten. I have not shared this post to my socials, it was written just for my WordPress mates – though I’ve never met you (yet?), you have become part of my world.
      The people who own the house I’m looking after are on your side of the world in Ireland right at the moment!
      Have a wonderful day on the other side of the world, and I hope you get to enjoy some sunshine 😀

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Meeting people from all over the world is the best part about WordPress! I hope everything goes well with the house sale. It’s great that you and your wife are still friends. I wish you all the best! Lots of sun today! 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks Anneli,
      When I look at the moon I often wonder who else is looking at it at the same time. It was pure luck I peeked out the window when I did. There is only a mist across the river this morning and no sea of clouds, but it still looks colder down there. It’s great living close to the sun 😀
      Have a great day watching the squirrels and birds!

      Liked by 1 person

  5. It’s good to see you again, Tone, and your photos are very beautiful! I am sorry about your apparent divorce. It’s not easy, I have been through three of them. Stay strong!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thanks John, always appreciate your comments. I’m in a good place and we’re still friends, which is important to me. On another note, I’ve just been informed we may soon have an offer on our house! The Real Estate market is very slow here so fingers and toes crossed … as much as I’d like to keep the place, I’d rather be debt free!

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      1. Thinking some land and a tiny home, container house etc. I done need anything huge and fancy 😀 I’m waiting to see how much I’ll have after the house sells. I still have my superannuation too! I only have 2.5 years and I can access that, maybe retire early and really get into my photography. Who knows 🤷‍♂️

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