Mini mayhem

(14 images, Part 1) – If you’ve been following my blog, by now you’ll know I have a fondness for small things.

On Sunday 7/11, I visited MiniFest ’21 at Claremont to appreciate and celebrate an eclectic collection of many of Tasmania’s Mini’s. One of the smallest cars on the road, with dare I say, the biggest personality and passionate owners to match!

I once owned and restored a green Leyland Mini, not the most practical, but definitely the most fun car to drive! My earliest Mini memory is one of being in the back seat of a white one, I must have only been about four! It belonged to a friend of my parents who lived in a flat next door to my Nanna’s. I thought a kangaroo could easily jump over the car as we drove along.

Almost everyone has a Mini story, whether they owned one or knew someone with one. Feel free to share yours in the comments below.

More Tasmanian Mini’s to come, with a few very rare and special ones, in the next post!

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