Florentine forest walk

(12 photos – Part 1) –
Please spend some time soaking up this piece of Tasmanian old-growth forest.

Bare witness to it’s unique bio-diversity and habitat. Irreplaceable qualities. It’s hard to get a scale of the trees here – the tallest flowering plants in the world, some of these are around 80m high.

Home Tree – 5.4m wide! Found February 2020.

So, what’s with the blue tape?

This is TN005D – A forestry coupe soon to be logged, full of leatherwood, celery top pine, myrtle, important biodiversity & geodiversity (karst system) and more massive stringybarks 4.5m wide. Most of it will just be trashed.

Soon to be turned in to this … the coupe right next door!!

Is this OK with you?
Activate yourself.
Sign the Australian Native Forest Declaration.
Visit Forest Watch.

More in the next post.

18 thoughts on “Florentine forest walk

    1. I’m glad I managed to convey the magnificence of this forest to you, it is so more when you are fully immersed in it. This forest will be harvested at a loss, it’s basically a land grab to turn it into a tree farm … while the can still get away with it.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. You conveyed it well, my friend. I grew up in the woods of Michigan and can appreciate the beauty of a Michigan forest in it’s natural state. It’s an absolute sin to destroy that magnificent forest. Greed is evil.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. You know, I’ve read about how those people basically ended their society by harvesting every single tree on the island. That’s so sad, how could they not have known that they just can’t do that?!!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I hoped you would be familiar with what happened. That seems to be what is happening now globally – we know, but we continue to do it. The even call the government entity responsible for this “Sustainable Timber Tasmania”. Yes, really!!


    1. The world will be poorer for it, as it is it stores large amounts of carbon. The “rubbish” left behind – like in the last photo, will be burnt in a high intensity fire 🔥 before being replanted with single species eucalyptus.

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    1. This is an old-growth wet eucalyptus forest🌳. Normally they are kept moist by all the moss and the undergrowth helps maintain the moisture under the tall canopies of the giant trees. Clearing them makes them drier and a greater fire hazard, as well as destroying the habitat and home of many unique and threatened Tasmanian birds and animals. The link to “Forest Watch” at the end of the post is a community based science project that surveys and researches threatened patches of forest like this, and presents it to the government in the hope of saving it.

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      1. Oh, I had no idea. You see, here the undergrowth tends to be made up of a lot of dead and dry stuff. Very different from what you have. In your case, now that I understand, I am of your opinion too. Thanks for explaining it.

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      2. We have dry eucalypt forests here too which are quite different, though dead trees and stuff still provide homes and protection for many animals and birds so environmentally it still has value in the ecosystem.

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    1. There is now a limit set if a tree is over a certain girth it will be saved but it is citizens on the ground who are discovering these big trees and saving them, otherwise they would be flattened. These dedicated people are the target of our governments new anti-protest laws I wrote about a few posts previously.

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